Christian Williams’s New Fitness Regime: The Friend Test

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(Image credit: Unknown)

I’m never drinking again…

Last night I decided to go out and let my hair down. As it turns out, if you haven’t had alcohol in a while you turn into a massive lightweight – my head was pounding this morning. I feel like I’ve let myself down a bit – and, looking back on it now, I didn’t actually need to drink to enjoy myself – but I can’t turn back the clock. Ah well, off to the gym in a minute so I’ll sweat out all that gin.

Good news, though: I’m noticing a change in my body. I had a bit of a beer belly going on but it seems to be shifting! I’ve also noticed that my arms and legs feel a lot more solid, so I’m definitely packing on some muscle.

I had a slight scare this week, though. I was in the lift going to the gym and bent down to pick up my bag. All of a sudden I got a sharp pain in my back. I told Ruben and we did a light warm-up and tried a few exercises to see if it had shifted, but I could still feel it. We stopped, as it’s not worth injuring myself now when I’m on this tight six-week schedule.

But did I get the day off? No I did not. Ruben led me to his massage table and I received my first sports massage. Now, I was pretty sure this might be a little bit painful. But I was wrong. It was unbelievably painful. I won’t lie – I shed a few tears! And once it had finished I thought it had done nothing. All that pain for nothing. BUT the next morning I woke up and felt great! The back pain had gone and I felt positively nimble! I guess that pain was worthwhile after all. I still call it the torture table, though.

My workouts haven’t really changed that much since my last blogpost – the only difference is that the weight I’m lifting has increased. The key thing is that I’ve really learned how to do every exercise correctly: you have to focus on the muscle you’re working on and really hit that one hard.

I’ve continued with a few more HIIT sessions to try to shed that fat, but I’m also eating more. Sometimes that can be a pain because I don’t feel hungry, but I know that I need to eat to keep my body building muscle.

When I met up with some friends this week they all said I seem more alive and bouncy, which is great! (Although today I’m feeling far from bouncy…)

In return for them saying nice things about me, I’m now giving out advice in the form of what to eat, what not to do with your food and how to train your body to want more good things. A few of them are taking in what I’m saying but others are still posting pictures of dirty burgers on Instagram so… you win some, you lose some. I’ll talk more about food next week.

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Christian Williams presents the weekend breakfast show on Virgin Radio, 6-10am.

Follow Christian’s fitness journey at, on his show on digital radio, online at or via the Virgin Radio app, and on Christian’s Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #coacheffect.

Christian Williams

Christian Williams is a presenter on Virgin Radio and in 2016 Coach helped Christian get fit, and you can follow and learn from his progress here.